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Healing Yoga Space
An Integration of Yoga & Ayurveda in El Paso, TX

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Bring balance to your body, mind, & spirit.

Yoga and Ayurveda are two sister sciences that when combined strive to create balance of the body, mind, and spirit. Yoga is a discipline that helps you live a balanced life and Ayurveda, an ancient Indian healing system, seeks to integrate and harmonize the body, mind and spirit using a holistic approach.


At Healing Yoga Space, we bring these two sciences together to promote your overall wellbeing by emphasizing balance and harmony of the individual with the environment. In our vibrant group yoga sessions, we weave Ayurvedic principles that foster wellbeing and balance. Embracing the essence of Ayurveda, these classes serve as a tool to navigate environmental shifts and help you connect to the five fundamental elements that make up our universe.


For a personalized journey towards your own inner balance, explore our private classes and ayurvedic consultations. Customized to fit your personal needs, these sessions combine, yoga, lifestyle changes, and dietary advice tailored specifically to your own needs.


Come join us!!!

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Yoga class at Healing Yoga Space

Group Classes in person & via Zoom

Group yoga classes are held at my home yoga studio in El Paso, TX. Please contact me directly to register.

Or Call/Text: (915) 433-3680

Monday 5:30 PM- Soft Hatha

Wednesday 5:30 PM - Prana Vinyasa

Thursday 5:30 PM - Restorative Yoga

Saturday 9:00 AM Ayurvedic Yoga

Class Descriptions

Personal Yoga & Ayurveda Consultations

To discuss your customized health program based on the principles of yoga, ayurveda, mindfullness, and heart-based consciousness, schedule a free 30 minute call with me today.

Women Practicing Yoga Outdoor

Healing Yoga Space

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